Logs and debugging

Logs provide you with information about how the action run. Once you run any action, you can find the Logs section on the bottom tab that appears.

On a Logs section, you can switch the view to a Default log levels view (Log, Info, Warn, Error), switch to a full log levels view by adding Verbose or just select the log levels you need.

Debugging actions with console.log

When working with the code, it's important to be able to debug it right away. With the Logs section, you can add a console.log function to your code and troubleshoot right in the app, with no need to open up a browser developer console.

Here is an example with console.log.Say you have a transformer function that is not working properly, and you'd like to make a user with item 103 have a correct value. Add a console.log function as below, run the action and check the Logs section.

return data.map(item => {
  if (item.customerNumber === 103) {
    console.log('Customer #103', item);
  return item;

Now, you can see the result in the logs. You can use the same approach and debug your code directly in the app, without the need to open the developer console.

Besides the console.log , other standard functions are supported, such as console.info, console.warn and console.error.

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