UI Bakery Automations
UI Bakery Automations enable you to build and run complex server-side workflows based on one or multiple data sources such as SQL databases, HTTP APIs, and others. You can run these workflows through webhooks or on a scheduled basis, like cron jobs. UI Bakery Automations run on the server in the Node.js environment.
Use cases
You can create multi-step workflows based on your data sources for a variety of purposes. These may include simple ETL operations, alerting, data source synchronization, and others.
By using data from different sources (SQL databases, HTTP APIs, Google Spreadsheets, CRMs, and other integrations) in a single workflow, you can apply conditional logic, loops, and asynchronous operations to implement more complex scenarios.
Triggering Automations
UI Bakery Automations allow you to run workflows:
at specific times (like cron jobs)
by triggering webhooks
Automations can also be integrated with third-party systems using secured token-based webhooks allowing you to further extend their functionalities.
Error Notifications
In the Automations interface, you have the option to configure email error notifications. Upon an error, the system sends automated emails to the Admin email addresses configured within your UI Bakery account.
Notifications frequency
In the event of continuous errors, the system is designed to send follow-up emails at specified intervals. The default interval is sending new emails every hour after each failure. This interval helps to avoid cluttering your inbox while still keeping you informed if the issue persists.
Troubleshooting Automations (self-hosted version)
If you have any automations that are not running via cron/webhook but can be executed manually, we recommend extending the following environment variables:
- the default timeout for the automation execution;UI_BAKERY_AUTOMATION_CODE_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT=30000
- the default timeout for JS execution in an automation;UI_BAKERY_DATASOURCE_TIMEOUT=90000
- the default timeout for a data source request.
If this doesn't help, please get in touch with the UI Bakery support team.
Last updated
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