
UI Bakery self-hosted can be easily embedded in other web applications and pages. It is also possible to setup two-way communication between an embedded app and the website the app is embedded in.

Before you proceed, make sure that UI_BAKERY_EMBEDDED_ENABLE_ACTIONS_EXECUTION=true variable is enabled in your instance.

  1. Embed UI Bakery in an iframe where src is a link to an Embedded UI Bakery application (e.g. https://custom-uibakery.com/share/SKDUFYUDF)

<script src="https://custom-uibakery.com/uibakery-embedded.js"></script>
<iframe width="100%" height="50%" id="uibakery" src="https://custom-uibakery.com/share/SKDUFYUDF"></iframe>
  1. Add a script tag to the page where UI Bakery app is embedded to communicate with internal app actions:

<input type="number" value="10" />
<button>Execute Action</button>

  const bakery = UIBakery('#uibakery');
  bakery.onReady(() => {
    document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
      const limit = parseInt(document.querySelector('input').value, 10);

      // execute UI Bakery action with {{params}} = { limit: 10 }
      bakery.triggerAction('actionName', { limit });

    // listen to messages sent from UI Bakery
    bakery.onMessage('eventName', params => {

Listen to messages from UI Bakery in the host app

To listen to messages from UI Bakery, use the bakery.onMessage('eventName') method:

  • In your host app, listen to a message from a UI Bakery app:

bakery.onReady(() => {

  bakery.onMessage('eventName', params => {
  • In the UI Bakery app, send the message (for example, in an Action code) so that it can be received by the host app.

UIBakeryEmbedded.emitMessage('eventName', {{data}})	;

Send a message from the host app to UI Bakery

To send a message from the host app to UI Bakery, use bakery.triggerAction('actionName', { ... }); method. This method triggers a specific action and passes the second argument as a {{params}} variable:

  • In your host app, trigger an action with the custom params:

bakery.onReady(() => {
  bakery.triggerAction('setUser', { user: 'email@example.com' });
  • In the UI Bakery app, create the 'setUser' action and use {{params}} variable to receive the data:

// ... setUser action

return {{params.user}}

Last updated

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