We strongly recommend not to use this installation option, unless you don't have any other option. In most of cases, you should go with docker compose installation option since it is much easier for initial setup and further maintenance.
Install docker 20.10.11 version or higher
Create a directory for on-premise configuration files and download setup script:
Copy mkdir ui-bakery-on-premise && cd ui-bakery-on-premise && curl -k -L -o setup.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uibakery/self-hosted/main/setup.sh
Run the setup.sh script to create .env file with required environmental variables:
Pulling container images
First of all, pull all the docker images from UI Bakery's Docker container repository.
Copy docker pull cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/gateway:latest &&\
docker pull cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/bakery-front:latest &&\
docker pull cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/workbench-front:latest &&\
docker pull cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/datasource:latest &&\
docker pull cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/python-runtime:latest &&\
docker pull cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/bakery-back:latest &&\
docker pull cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/automation:latest &&\
docker pull postgres:16.1 &&\
docker pull mysql:8.0
Note, that you might not need Mysql image in case you are using an external database.
Creating a Docker network for images
Copy docker network create ui-bakery-on-premise
This network will be later used by containers to communicate with each other.
Starting containers one by one
In order to start the UI Bakery containers and run them one by one, use the following commands.
db (Internal UI Bakery database)
Used for storing user accounts and project metadata (not needed if an external database is used):
Copy docker run -d \
--name db \
--restart always \
--platform linux/amd64 \
--cap-add SYS_NICE \
--env-file .env \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=bakery \
-e MYSQL_USER=bakery \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=bakery \
-v my-db:/var/lib/mysql \
--health-cmd 'mysql -h localhost -u bakery --password=bakery -e "select 1"' \
--health-timeout 1s \
--health-interval 10s \
--health-retries 10 \
--network=ui-bakery-on-premise \
mysql:8.0 --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
Bakery backend which is responsible for storing user accounts, project metadata, etc.
Copy docker run -d \
--name bakery-back \
--env-file .env \
--restart always \
--network ui-bakery-on-premise \
UI Bakery end-user frontend:
Copy docker run -d \
--name workbench-front \
--env-file .env \
--restart always \
--network ui-bakery-on-premise \
UI Bakery developer and workspace frontend:
Copy docker run -d \
--name bakery-front \
--env-file .env \
--restart always \
--network ui-bakery-on-premise \
UI Bakery data source connection middleware:
Copy docker run -d \
--name datasource \
--env-file .env \
--restart always \
--network ui-bakery-on-premise \
UI Bakery python backend code middleware:
Copy docker run -d \
--name python-runtime \
--env-file .env \
--restart always \
--network ui-bakery-on-premise \
UI Bakery module for creating scheduled jobs and webhooks:
Copy docker run -d \
--name automation \
--env-file .env \
--restart always \
--network ui-bakery-on-premise \
An entry point for all UI Bakery client requests:
Copy docker run -d \
--name gateway \
--env-file .env \
-p ${UI_BAKERY_PORT:-3030}:3030 \
--restart always \
--network ui-bakery-on-premise \
Built-in PostgreSQL , available as data source in UI Bakery:
Copy docker run -d \
--name bakery-db \
--restart always \
--health-cmd "pg_isready -U bakery" \
--health-interval 1s \
--health-timeout 5s \
--health-retries 10 \
--env-file .env \
-e POSTGRES_USER="bakery" \
-e POSTGRES_DB="bakery" \
-v internal-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
--network ui-bakery-on-premise \
Updating to the newer version
Pull the new container versions using the command specified above . You can also pull a specific version by changing the :latest
tag to the version that you need.
Stop running containers:
Copy docker stop gateway automation datasource python-runtime bakery-front workbench-front bakery-back
Remove the containers:
Copy docker rm gateway automation datasource python-runtime bakery-front workbench-front bakery-back
Restart all the containers except MySQL (db) and PostgreSQL (bakery-db) as defined in the section above .
Last updated 2 months ago