Input (deprecated)
Input serves as a field to enter certain information. Inputs can be used to create custom forms (e.g. a custom login form or a modal to add or update the data, etc.) as well as standalone components. There are several input types in UI Bakery:
date and time
Method | Description |
| sets value |
| sets input state (enabled/ disabled) |
| clears the input |
| sets the focus on input |
| validates the inputted value and displays errors |
| resets validation from the input |
Triggers allow you to launch certain actions based on different events.
On Init | Calls for an action on component initialization |
On Enter | Calls for an action as you click Enter |
On Change | Calls for an action as the user is typing anything into an input |
Input validation
You can add input fields validation by specifying the required regexp pattern, setting up an error message or specifying the minimal/maximum values for the number fields.
Search table based on the input value
Input can be used as a filter for the table values. Please check this guide:
Search table based on input valueLast updated