AWS EC2 instance

To deploy UI Bakery to an AWS EC2 instance, follow these steps:

  1. Open AWS Management Console and select Services - EC2 (Virtual Servers in the Cloud).

  2. Select Network & Security - Security Groups. Click Create security group button in the top right corner.

  3. Input Bakery in Security group name and Bakery security group in Description.

  4. In block Inbound rules, click Add rule button. Select Custom TCP in the Type, input {BakeryPort} (use 3030 by default, you will need to select the same port during UI Bakery installation later) in the Port range and select Anywhere-IPv4 in the Source.

  5. In block Inbound rules click Add rule button. Select SSH in the Type and select Anywhere-IPv4 in the Source.

  6. Click Create security group.

  7. Select Network & Security - Key Pairs. Click Create key pairs button in the top right corner.

  8. Input Bakery in Name. Select RCA in Key pair type. Select .pem in Private key file format, if you will be connecting to the VM using OpenSSH, or select .ppk in Private key file format, if you will be connecting to the VM using Putty.

  9. Save the key file to the disk of the local machine.

  10. Select Instances - Instance Types. Select t2.medium in the Instance types list. Click Action - Launch instance button in the top right corner.

  11. Input 'Bakery' in Name.

  12. Select an image of Ubuntu Server 18.04 or higher in the Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image).

  13. Select 'Bakery' in Key pair (login) - Key pair name - required.

  14. Select 'Bakery' in Network settings - Select existing security group - Common security groups.

  15. Input 20 GiB in Configure storage - 1x.

  16. Click Launch instance button in the bottom right corner.

  17. After creating and running the virtual machine, connect to it from outside (OpenSSH or Putty) using SSH protocol (use the previously saved key file).

  18. Run this command preferably from the /home Linux directory to download, install and launch UI Bakery:

    curl -k -L -o && bash ./
  19. Upon request, enter the previously received license code, hosting URL - Public IPv4 address AWS EC2 Instance, and port ({BakeryPort} which you selected in the earlier steps 3030 by default).

  20. After the installation is completed and launched, enter the bakery from a browser on your local machine at http://{Public IPv4 address AWS EC2 Instance}:{BakeryPort}.

Last updated

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