S3 file uploader

Upload to S3 is a button to upload files to Amazon S3. The uploader allows you to set ACL, and specify file type restrictions and MIME types.


Triggers allow you to launch certain actions based on different events.

On Upload success

Calls for an action when a file is successfully uploaded

Working with an S3 uploader

If you are planning to use the S3 file uploader in UI Bakery, you first need to connect your Amazon S3 as a data source and set up CORS policies for your bucket.

To upload files to S3:

  1. Add the S3 file uploader component to the working area.

  2. Select the necessary S3 data source from the dropdown, specify the bucket, and set up other required settings.

  1. Next, click on the component and select the necessary file to upload it.

Once it's uploaded, you will notice that the lastUploadedFileUrl is an S3 URL, and you can refer to it with the {{ui.s3FileUploader.lastUploadedFileUrl}} variable.

Also, If you need to call any action upon the file upload, you can use the On Upload Success trigger of the component.

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