Environment and release strategy

This document outlines the operational details of Automations focusing on their execution in various environments and the strategies involved in their release.

Unreleased Automations

Automations that have not been released yet operate under specific rules depending on the mode of execution.

CRON execution
Webhook trigger
Execution in Automations Builder

Automation project version

The most recent version

The latest version

The latest version

Execution environment

Data sources employed in these automations are executed using the default DEV environment

If triggered via a webhook without a specified environment, the default DEV environment is employed for data sources

The environment for data sources depends on the selected option in the environment selector. This selector is available only if there are data sources with pre-configured environments

Released Automations

Once automations are released, it is safe to continue their development. The released version of the automation will remain in use for CRON and Webhooks ensuring stability in the production environment. This approach allows developers to enhance automations without interruptions or risks to the operational integrity of the current production version.

The following operational rules apply to released Automations depending on the mode of execution👇

CRON execution
Webhook trigger
Execution in Automations Builder

Automation project version

The latest PROD (production) version

The corresponding released version and data sources of the specified environment (if includes an env specification)

The latest version

Execution environment

If any data sources are connected, the PROD environment will be used for these data sources

The Staging environment is applicable and can be specifically used for webhook calls

The environment for data sources depends on the selected option in the environment selector. This selector is available only if there are data sources with pre-configured environments

Last updated

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