Connect a data source
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Now that you've built your UI, it's time you connected a data source. First-time users will have to do it following the instruction below. Next time though, since data sources are reusable across all your applications, you will simply have to select a previously connected data source in the list of Data sources and start using it right away.
Go to the Data Sources tab in the left side panel and click Connect.
In the window that opens, select the data source type.
Use the Search bar to quickly find the data source you need or choose from Popular and our Sample ones.
Enter a name to identify it within your app and specify all the required connection settings fields, such as a list of credentials, an API URL, a Google sheet link, and others.
UI Bakery doesnโt store your data. We only keep the encrypted credentials to access a data source.
Next, click Test connection to check if the configuration is correct.
For specific data sources (for example, HTTP), you can proceed with connecting the data source without testing the connection.
(Optional) If you choose not to connect your data source immediately, you can use test MySQL or HTTP data sources instead.
To continue, click Connect data source. Once connected, a list of tables available in the data source will be displayed. You can uncheck the unnecessary tables or change their properties and titles. They will be put in Table/Form titles by default when you use them.
For HTTP data sources, no resources will appear in the list unless UI Bakery can extract them from the API schema.
That's it! The newly created data source will be added to the list of all available data sources. You can edit its settings or remove it from the list, if necessary.
Keep in mind that modifying or deleting a data source impacts all applications that use it.