Updating environment variables

Environment variables are a crucial part of configuring your UI Bakery On-Premise installation. They can control various settings, including your license key, database connections, domain name and application behavior. Here's how you can modify them.

After the installation of UI Bakery On-Premise, a directory named ui-bakery-on-premise is created. Within this directory, you will find a file named .env. This file contains the environment variables for your instance.

To modify any variable, such as your license key or other settings:

  1. Open the .env file using a text editor. You can do this through the command line or by navigating through the file explorer to ui-bakery-on-premise and opening the .env file.

  2. Find and modify or add a new variable:

  3. UI_BAKERY_LICENSE_KEY=new_license_key_value

    Make sure to save the file after making your changes.

  4. To apply the changes, a system restart is necessary. Accomplish this by running the following commands in your terminal:

    docker compose down
    docker compose up -d

Restarting your UI Bakery On-Premise instance with docker compose down and docker compose up -d does not erase your data. Persistent data is stored in Docker volumes, ensuring it remains safe across container restarts.

Last updated

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