Instance API

Automating app releases with UI Bakery Instance API

Enabling the Instance API

To enable the Instance API, you will need to provide an authentication token via an environment variable:


Making Requests to the UI Bakery SCIM API

The UI Bakery Instance API available on the following URL, where UI_BAKERY_INSTANCE is your domain.


To authenticate your requests, include the Authorization: Bearer TOKEN header with the value provided in the UI_BAKERY_INSTANCE_API_TOKEN environment variable


App methods:

Pull branch in app

POST https://UI_BAKERY_INSTANCE/api/instance/app/{app_id}/pull

Pull latest commits for specified app/branch

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "status": "OK",
    "message": "Branch pulled",
    "result": {
        "lastCommit": {
            "hash": "359ad61432a481497b96c3c8hb4ad751f68bfd19",
            "message": "feat(home): update user table"

Relese app

POST https://UI_BAKERY_INSTANCE/api/instance/app/{app_id}/release

Releasing the app to specified environments: If both "prod" and "staging" are false, the release becomes a "Draft"; if no "branch" parameter is provided, the main branch is used by default.

If version is not specified, the last valid version will be patched.

Path Parameters

Request Body

    "status": "CREATED",
    "message": "App released",
    "result": {
        "releases": [
                "id": "4UMYn3VOnm",
                "version": "0.11.1",
                "description": "",
                "createdBy": "Organization Admin",
                "createdAt": "2024-01-01T15:07:50.000+00:00",
                "prod": true,
                "staging": false,
                "dev": null,
                "branch": "main",
                "commitHash": "363ae61431a481497v96c3c87b4ad751f68bfd19",
                "commitMessage": "Update main.yml"

Example integrations

Last updated

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