Data source environments

Data source environments play a pivotal role in managing and segregating data flows in applications. They provide a structured way to differentiate between different stages of application deployment. In our system, there are three distinct environments for data sources:


  1. Default: This is the primary environment used in scenarios where neither staging nor prod is enabled. It serves as a fallback, ensuring that there's always an environment in action even if no specific one is set.

  2. Staging: This is a testing environment, often mirroring the production but used for testing purposes. It provides a sandbox to validate data source configurations, ensuring they function as expected before moving to production.

  3. Production (prod): This environment is where the production data sources live. It's the environment end-users interact with.

Both the staging and prod environments can be enabled separately based on the requirements. However, if neither is activated, the system will default to using the default environment.

To enable the environments

  • Toggle the Enable environments control

  • Configure each environment setting and click Connect. Note that each environment should be connected separately.

The data source environment is intrinsically linked to the application environment. When you move your application from one environment to another, the corresponding data source environment is also switched, ensuring data compatibility.

Testing in Builder Mode

When working in builder mode, users have the flexibility to switch between different environments. This feature is particularly useful for testing queries. By toggling between the environments, users can validate the correctness of their queries across different stages without affecting the end-user experience or data integrity.

The environment selection option is only accessible when the app is utilizing at least one data source that has enabled environments.

Last updated