
To deploy UI Bakery using Kubernetes, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/uibakery/self-hosted.git

  2. Open the kubernetes directory.

  3. Edit the ui-bakery-configmap.yaml, and set the required variables inside the {{ ... }}, where:

  • UI_BAKERY_APP_SERVER_NAME - your {server ip address}:3030, for example;

  • UI_BAKERY_LICENSE_KEY - get it from the UI Bakery team;

  • You either have to run a standalone database instance or make sure standard PersistentVolumeClaim exists in your cluster.

  1. Run kubectl apply -f .

Please note that the application will be exposed on a public IP address on port 3030, so DNS and SSL have to be handled by the user.

Last updated