Manual w/ docker compose

MySQL instance is included into the out of the box container and doesn't require any additional setup. If you need to have a standalone database, read Running a standalone database instance

  • Install docker 20.10.11 version or higher, and docker compose 1.29.2 version or higher.

  • Start docker daemon.

  • Get on-premise configuration files:

    mkdir ui-bakery-on-premise && cd ui-bakery-on-premise && curl -k -L -o docker-compose.yml && curl -k -L -o docker-compose-external-db.yml && curl -k -L -o
  • Get the license key from the UI Bakery team.

  • Run ./

    • Enter the license key;

    • Enter the port (leave empty for local installation, 3030 port will be used);

    • Enter the server URL (leave empty for local installation).

  • Run docker compose up -d to start the containers;

  • Wait until all containers are up and running;

  • Open port 3030 or UI_BAKERY_PORT (if it was modified in .env file or entered in ./ to access UI Bakery instance, then you can create a new account.

Last updated