III.Working with Details component

Work with Details component to display data in a more convenient way

Let's add a Details component to display all project’s details there. Find the Details component in the right menu and place it near the Table. By default, the Component is tied to an Action, so you will see the structure already corresponds to the Table’s structure.

To display the data of a certain Table record in the Details component, refer to it as {{ ui.designProjectsTable.selectedRow.data }}in the Data field. With that, the Details component will display the values of a selected project record of the Table.

We have already configured the Details component to show the data about a selected project record, but what if we want to display the name of a selected project as a title of the Details component? To do that, go to the Title field in the left menu, and specify the code:

{{ui.designProjectsTable.selectedRow.isSelected ? ui.designProjectsTable.selectedRow.data['Name'] : 'Not selected' }}

To recap, we have loaded and displayed data from your Airtable data source. As a next step, we will add some metric components for data visualization.

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