The Chat component is an interface element designed for messaging and communication within an application. It provides users with the ability to exchange messages with chatbots in real time.
Methods & Properties
setMessages(Array[]: {role: user|assistant, content: string, created_at: Date, id?: string, avatar?: string})
Set messages
addMessage(role: user|assistant, content: string, id?: string, avatar?: string)
Add message
upsertLastMessage(role: user|assistant, content: string, id?: string, avatar?: string)
Insert or update last message
Start receiving message
Stop receiving message
Get an array of messages
Get an array of simplified messages (role and content properties only) ☝🏻Useful for integration with ChatGPT and similar APIs
Triggers allow you to launch certain actions based on different events.
On Init
Calls for an action on component initialization, e.g., page refresh
On Message Sent
Calls for action on message sent by user
On Stop Receiving
Calls for action by clicking the "Stop" button
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