Connecting local database via ngrok

If you need to connect your local database and don’t want to use the on-premise version, you can go for the option of connecting via ngrok.

If your database is hosted locally or is not accessible from external connections, we recommend using an on-premises setup. It can be easily set up with a single command. Additionally, during the installation process, you will have the option to generate a trial license. Just run the following:

curl -k -L -o && bash ./

Alternatively, if the on-premises installation is not an option, you may try setting up an SSH tunnel to your database.

We highly recommend this approach for testing purposes only, as ngrok is a 3rd party proxy that provides a temporary connection (40-120 minutes depending on your plan), and re-connection will be required.

To connect your local database via ngrok, follow the steps below:

  1. Create your account at ngrok in case you do not have one

  2. Unzip the archive (initial instructions can be found here)

  3. Open Terminal (MacOS, Linux) or command line (Windows) and navigate the Downloads folder (or any other folder where the ngrok folder has been saved). Use command cd Downloads

  4. To authenticate, find your personal authtoken on your authtoken page. The token should look like this: ./ngrok authtoken 20JWDkD3uwe2wuRqhCvuTkQ0LE3_5N6KtiEBDLD3fXZkRHpej

  5. In case of success, you’ll get the following message: Authtoken saved to configuration file: /Users/user_name/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml

  6. To expose a local app server or database using one of these commands :

app server: ./ngrok http 80 (or port your server is hosted on)
mysql: ./ngrok tcp 3306
postgre: ./ngrok tcp 5432
mssql: ./ngrok tcp 1433
mongodb: ./ngrok tcp 27017

The output will list a forwarding URL, which will point to your local server - find the Forwarding line and copy the host and the port there

Next, navigate UI Bakery - Connect Datasource

  • Select your data source and specify the copied host and port together with the other database details

  • Click Test Connection to ensure that the connection can be established

  • In case of success, Connect Datasource

Last updated