Updating on-premise version

Please note that the on-premise version differs from the cloud version and is not updated automatically. Once an update to the on-premise version is available, we will notify you via email.

On-premise version release notes

You can follow the updates here with the ON-PREMISE RELEASE tag.

Update to the latest version

To update your UI Bakery on-premise version to the latest one, follow the steps below:

  1. Take a full backup of the UI Bakery instance.

  2. Go to your ui-bakery-on-premise folder:

cd ./ui-bakery-on-premise
  1. Run ./update.sh that will download new images and restart your instance:


Update to the specific version

To update your UI Bakery on-premise version to the specific version, follow the steps below:

  1. Take a full backup of UI Bakery instance.

  2. Go to your ui-bakery-on-premise folder:

cd ./ui-bakery-on-premise
  1. Open the docker-compose.yml file and replace the versions for all images with the specific version desired. For example, to update to version 3.0.0, the following changes should be made:

version: "3.9"
    container_name: gateway
      - "bakery-front"
      - "workbench-front"
      - "bakery-back"
-    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/gateway:latest
+    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/gateway:3.0.0
    restart: always
    env_file: .env
      - "${UI_BAKERY_PORT:-3030}:3030"

    container_name: bakery-front
-    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/bakery-front:latest
+    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/bakery-front:3.0.0
    restart: always
    env_file: .env

    container_name: workbench-front
-    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/workbench-front:latest
+    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/workbench-front:3.0.0
    restart: always
    env_file: .env

    container_name: datasource
-    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/datasource:latest
+    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/datasource:3.0.0
    restart: always
    env_file: .env

    container_name: bakery-back
        condition: service_healthy
-    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/bakery-back:latest
+    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/bakery-back:3.0.0
    restart: always
    env_file: .env

    container_name: automation
-    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/automation:latest
+    image: cruibakeryonprem.azurecr.io/cloud/automation:3.0.0
    restart: always
    env_file: .env
  1. Then restart the system

# pull new images
docker compose pull
# restart UI Bakery
docker compose down && docker compose up -d
  1. Optionally delete old images

docker image prune -a -f

Updating from version 2.25.0 and lower to the new version

If you are on a 2.25.0 UI Bakery version or lower, please follow the guide below to update to a newer version.

Please note this is a one-time procedure! You need to follow these steps only once to upgrade from any version lower than 2.25.0. If you are on a higher version, please use this guide.

  1. Create a backup of ui-bakery-on-premise folder:

cp -R ui-bakery-on-premise ui-bakery-on-gpremise_old

2. Go to ui-bakery-on-premise folder and run:

curl -k -L -o docker-compose.yml <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uibakery/self-hosted/main/docker-compose.yml>

3. Comment UI_BAKERY_WORKBENCH_PATH variable by adding # at the beginning of the line in .env file:

nano .env

  • Press control + O to save.

  • Press control + X to exit.

4. Run the next command to rerun containers:

sudo docker compose build --pull
sudo docker compose pull
sudo docker compose up -d

5. Check your UI Bakery instance.

Last updated